Cheesecake with butterscotch sauce

Cheesecake with Butterscotch Sauce Recipe

100 Minutes
Serves: 8

A smooth baked cheesecake with butterscotch sauce, made of cream cheese, double cream, sugar and eggs flavoured with apple schnapps and vanilla. The cheesecake has a crispy hobnob base with a white chocolate coating. This delicious cooked cheesecake is topped with a thick apple schnapps butterscotch sauce. 

Recipe Ingreds


  • 4 tbsp apple schnapps
  • 75 grams butter
  • 100 grams white Chocolate
  • 20 grams corn flour
  • 700 grams cream cheese
  • 125 ml double cream
  • 5 whole egg
  • 1 whole egg (yolk)
  • 250 grams hobnob biscuits
  • 100 grams caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • 2 tsp apple schnapps
  • 50 grams butter
  • 125 ml double cream
  • 15 grams granulated sugar
  • 40 grams light brown sugar
  • 150 grams syrup

Recipe with pictures Steps

Step 1

  • set the oven to 165C 365F or gas mark 3
  • using a small amount of the butter, grease the cake tin. cut out a circle of grease proof paper the same size as the tin place in the tin. Cut a strip of paper to line the sides of the tin.
  • wrap the outside of the tin in two layers of foil to ensure it is water proof

Step 2

  • put the biscuits in the food processor and blend to a crumb
  • put the butter in a bowl
  • melt the butter
  • empty the contents of the food processor into the bowl
  • mix the ingredients

Step 3

  • place the biscuit mixture into the tin
  • press down to form a solid base
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • remove from the oven

Step 4

  • finely chop the chocolate in the food processor
  • while the biscuit base is warm spread the chocolate over the base
  • set a side to cool

Step 5

  • clean the processor
  • place the cream, sugar, cheese, eggs, egg yolk, cornflour and vanilla into the food processor
  • blend until smooth

Step 6

  • add the schnapps
  • blend until smooth
  • pour the cheese mixture into the cake tin
  • place the cake tin in a roasting tin
  • pour boiling water into the roasting tin
  • bake for 1 hour until the cake is set with a slight wobble

Step 7

  • remove from the oven
  • remove the foil from the outside of the tin
  • Leave to cool in the tin
  • Refrigerate
  • for 1 hour

Step 8

  • while the cake is cooling

Step 9

  • add the butter, sugars and syrup to a pan
  • Bring to the boil and boil for a few minutes
  • Add the cream
  • add the schnapps
  • cook until the mixture is thick and syrupy
  • remove from the heat allow to cool

Step 10

  • remove the cheesecake from the fridge
  • remove the cake tin
  • place on a serving plate

Step 11

  • pour a thin layer of butterscotch sauce over the cheesecake
  • if the sauce wont pour warm slightly
  • place the remaining sauce in a jug

Step 12

  • cut the cheesecake into slices
  • serve the cheesecake with additional sauce

Recipe Utensils

  • 1 cake tin (9 inch/23 cms) loose bottom or springform
  • 1 foil
  • 1 food processor
  • 1 grease proof paper
  • 1 medium bowl
  • 1 roasting tin
  • 1 small pan

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How to make baked cheesecake with butterscotch sauce topping

This recipe is a Nigella Lawson recipe, we did have a problem with the biscuit base going a little soggy so we tweaked this recipe and added a layer of  white chocolate between the base and the cheesecake mixture which helped to keep the base crunchy and added a lovely dimension to the recipe

This cheesecake is a baked cheesecake but unlike traditional cheesecakes it has a biscuit base, the base is made of hobnobs and in order to ensure it stays crisp we have added a thin layer of white chocolate between the base and the cheesecake. The creamy cheese layer is made with double cream, cream cheese, eggs and sugar. The cheesecake is flavoured with vanilla and apple schnapps, it is baked slowly in a bain marie, till it just sets and then is left to cool. When cooled the cheesecake is topped with a sweet apple schnapps butterscotch sauce 

Other cheesecake desserts

Blueberry and White Chocolate Cheesecake

Sopapilla Cheesecake

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