Cherry chocolate pie served with fresh cream

Chocolate Cherry Pie Recipe

65 Minutes
Serves: 8

This easy chocolate cherry pie, is a crispy chocolate shortcrust pastry tart lined with rich sweet black cherry jam and topped with a dark chocolate ganache served with fresh pouring cream

Recipe Ingreds


  • 135 grams butter
  • 25 grams cocoa powder
  • 25 grams corn flour
  • 1 whole egg (yolk)
  • 175 grams plain flour
  • salt (to taste)
  • 50 grams caster sugar
  • 20 ml water


  • 6 tbsp black cherry jam
  • 50 grams butter
  • 200 grams dark chocolate
  • 300 ml double cream
  • 50 ml milk
  • 10 grams caster sugar
  • 200 ml single cream

Recipe with pictures Steps

Step 1

  • mix the egg yolks and the sugar in a bowl
  • add the water to the egg yolk mixture and set a side
  • sieve together the flours and cocoa and salt
  • cut the butter into cubes

Step 2

  • mix the flour and butter, blend until the contents forms a crumb, by hand or using a food processor
  • if using a food processor empty the contents of the food processor into a large bowl

Step 3

  • add the egg mixture
  • mix using a few swift movements
  • form a ball and flatten
  • place in the fridge to cool
  • place in the fridge for 10 minutes

Step 4

  • lightly dust a clean work surface with flour
  • grease the flan dish
  • roll out the pastry into a circle to fit the flan dish
  • fit pastry into flan dish
  • this pastry is very soft so may need patching if holes appear
  • place in the fridge to cool
  • for 15 minutes
  • five minutes before the pastry is fully rested
  • set the oven to 165C 365F or gas mark 3

Step 5

  • bake the pastry blind by covering the pastry with grease proof paper and baking beans
  • bake for 20 mins
  • remove from the oven
  • remove the beans and paper
  • return to the oven
  • cook for 5 minutes

Step 6

  • remove from the oven
  • set a side to cool for 10 minutes
  • trim the pastry to fit the flan dish

Step 7

  • roughly chop the chocolate
  • place the chocolate in a heat proof bowl
  • cut the butter into cubes
  • add the butter to the chocolate

Step 8

  • heat the cream in a pan till just below boiling point
  • add the sugar to the cream and allow to dissolve
  • pour the cream onto the chocolate
  • stir till chocolate has melted
  • Allow to cool a little
  • add the milk and stir continuously until mixture turns glossy
  • set a side to cool a little

Step 9

  • place a layer of jam into the bottom of the pastry case
  • add the chocolate mixture
  • leave at room temperature to set
  • place the tart on the plate
  • cut a slice and serve with single pouring cream

Recipe Utensils

  • 1 baking beans
  • 2 chopping board
  • 1 flan dish
  • 1 food processor
  • 1 grease proof paper
  • 2 large knife
  • 2 medium bowl
  • 1 medium pan
  • 1 plastic bags
  • 1 rolling pin
  • 1 sieve
  • 1 small bowl

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How to make chocolate cherry pie

This chocolate tart is so simple to make, start by making the chocolate pastry by blending the butter and flour then add the egg yolks, sugar and water, and rest the pastry. Line the tart tin with the chocolate pastry bake blind. To make the chocolate filling, Break the chocolate into squares and cut the butter into small cubes and add to a bowl.  Warm the cream till just below boiling point, and dissolve the sugar in the cream. Pour the cream over the chocolate and stir till the chocolate is fully incorporated. Line the tart base with cherry jam and then pour the chocolate ganache into the tart and leave to set. 

Cherry chocolate pie for your dinner party dessert

This easy chocolate cherry tart makes the ideal dessert for your dinner party especially if your friends or family are serious chocolate lovers. The tart is very rich, so serve it with some lightly whipped cream. Serve it with a light main course as it is very rich and filling, it would be perfect for a French-themed dinner party 

What makes this simple dark chocolate tart with cherries the best

This chocolate cherry pie is ideal for serious chocolate fans, dark chocolate and cherries are the perfect combinations and the rich chocolate pastry takes this tart to chocolate heaven. The star of the dish is definitely the chocolate ganache, but it is the combination with the cherries that make it extra special. We use cherry jam to keep it simple but if you wanted to use tinned cherries or lightly stewed fresh cherries you can 

Top tips

  • The chocolate pastry for this tart base is very delicate, if you get any holes patch them carefully and no one will know!
  • Use a high-quality jam and dark chocolate 
  • keep an eye on the pastry and don't let it burn as this will spoil the overall taste of the dish
  • If your ganache seizes while adding the cream add hot water little by little until the ganache becomes smooth again 

what is ganache

The ganache was originally a type of chocolate truffle introduced by the French confectioner Paul Siraudin it was named after a popular play, Over the years it has developed to make the perfect tart filling, it is usually combined with fruits or caramel. Ganache is made by heating chocolate and cream together and then the mixture is blended until it is deliciously smooth and then left to set. 

Other chocolate pastry desserts

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