Creamy pea, bacon and brie pasta with salad and garlic bread

Creamy Pea, Bacon and Brie Pasta Recipe

25 Minutes
Serves: 2

A delicious brie and bacon pasta, fusilli mixed with crispy squares of smoked bacon and fresh garden peas, all coated in a simple brie sauce, flavoured with basil and freshly ground black pepper. The dish is finished with thin shavings of parmesan.

Recipe Ingreds


  • black pepper (to taste)
  • 100 grams brie cheese
  • 125 ml double cream
  • 3 sprig fresh basil
  • 200 grams fusilli pasta
  • 0.5 tbsp olive oil
  • 100 grams frozen peas
  • salt (to taste)
  • 6 slices streaky bacon (smoked)
  • 1 cloves garlic


  • 1 stick garlic bread

Recipe with pictures Steps


  • half fill a medium pan with water and boil
  • add a spot of olive oil and a pinch of salt to the boiling water
  • add the pasta to the boiling water and cook until tender but with a slight bite


  • set the oven to 200C 400F or gas mark 6
  • put the garlic bread on the baking tray and place in the oven follow cooking instructions on packaging


  • heat the olive oil in the frying pan
  • cut the bacon into squares and add to the frying pan
  • fry till golden brown


  • peel and crush the garlic using the garlic crusher or chop finely add to the bacon
  • cut the brie into cubes
  • Add the cream and cheese to the fried bacon
  • cook till the cheese melts
  • taste and season with salt and pepper if necessary


  • add the peas to the pasta
  • cook for 2 minutes


  • drain the pasta reserve a few tbsps of cooking liquid, and return to the pan
  • Add the brie sauce to the pasta
  • add the reserved pasta liquid
  • taste and season with salt and pepper if necessary


  • divide the pasta between the serving plates
  • sprinkle torn basil over the dish


  • remove the garlic bread from the oven and serve

Recipe Utensils

  • 1 baking tray
  • 1 chopping board
  • 1 large knife
  • 1 medium pan
  • 1 non stick frying pan
  • 1 sieve


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About our brie and bacon pasta 

Indulge in a deliciously swift yet satisfying dinner, perfect for those bustling worknight evenings. This recipe boasts a harmony of delicious tastes with tender fusilli enveloped in a creamy cheese sauce, punctuated by the savoury crunch of golden-brown bacon bits. Enhanced with the freshness of basil and the subtle sweetness of peas, each bite promises a delightful contrast. Quick to prepare, this dish is sure to become a staple in your weeknight dinner rotation.

How to make brie pasta with peas and bacon

To make this dish cook the fusilli in boiling water on a medium heat and cook till just al dente Cut the bacon into squares and sauté till crisp. Cut the cheese into small squares, leaving the rind on. Add the cream and cheese to the bacon pieces, cook till the cheese melts, and drain the pasta reserving a little cooking water.  Return the pasta to the pan and add the brie sauce, with a little starchy pasta water to loosen the sauce. Serve immediately with a sprinkle of chopped basil.

Recipe Tips

When draining the pasta always save some of the water as it is great for losing any sauce

When to cook creamy brie cheese pasta with bacon and peas

This delicious creamy brie cheese pasta is perfect for a quick dinner idea after a busy day at work, it's easy to cook and a great way to use up leftover brie. We usually serve it in autumn winter or spring, the dish is a little heavy for the summer

Who will love this recipe?

This recipe is perfect for adults and children alike, if you love cheese you will love this dish. It's quick to cook, so perfect for a quick dinner after a busy workday. It’s also a good fridge leftover dish.

If you are looking for quick dinner ideas for the week check out our quick meal plans

This dish is quite decadent, so is perfect for a dinner party, make sure you use good quality oversized pasta and to make the dish extra special, serve it with continental bread.

Flavour profile

This recipe is very rich and cheesy, with hits of savoury from the bacon, the creaminess of this dish is broken up by the freshness from the peas and basil

What to eat with brie, bacon pasta with peas?

We serve this dish with a green salad or if you are feeling decadent serve it with some crispy garlic bread or crusty continental bread.

For other dinner ideas you can change the pasta type, we have used fusilli but penne or spaghetti works just as well, use plain pasta rather than whole wheat or flavoured one as they will change the overall flavours of the dish.

You can also change the cheese, you will need a creamy cheese like camembert, or a creamy goat's cheese. Be careful if you choose goat's cheese as it has a stronger taste so use less cheese and a little more cream.

If you want to make the dish veggie then replace the bacon with crispy fried mushrooms, for a mushroom and brie pasta

What makes our creamy cheese pasta with bacon the best?

This cheesy pasta dish is quick and easy to make and tastes delicious, the brie and bacon marry together perfectly especially with the addition of a tasty carbohydrate in this case pasta. What makes this dish the best is the addition of peas and basil giving it an added freshness to cut through all that rich creaminess of the cheese sauce

Ingredients for brie, bacon and pea pasta

Bacon - we use traditional smoked bacon as it adds a deliciously smoky taste, but you can use unsmoked bacon.

Brie -Any continental cream cheese can be used for this recipe, it is perfect for using up leftover cheese or very ripe cheese

peas - use frozen peas or fresh peas or petit pois 

Basil - fresh basil is ideal for this recipe if you use dried basil use it sparingly maybe on 1/4 of the fresh amount

Double cream - we have used double cream but you can use single cream for this dish

Frequently Asked Questions


Is brie good for cooking?

Yes, is great for cooking, particularly in situations where you want a strong cheese that melts well. You can bake it on its own as a starter, you can add it to 

  • pasta sauces
  • white sauces used to coat vegetables,
  • a creamy topping for savoury tarts,
  • in a cheese fondue
  • in toasted sandwiches. 

What goes well with brie?

There are lots of ingredients that go well with brie, it really depends on the circumstance.

If you are serving it cold on a cheese board, then it goes well with fruit like apples and grapes, or sweet pickles and chutneys

If you are cooking it, it goes well with bacon, sweet vegetables like peas and oniony vegetables like leeks

How long does brie last in the fridge? 

Store it in an airtight container and it will last one to two weeks 

Can you eat the white part of brie?

Yes, the white part of the cheese or the “bloom” is perfectly safe to eat and is packed full of flavour so if you are eating or cooking with it we recommend you use the white parts of the cheese

Bacon pasta recipes

Penne Pasta in a Creamy Bacon, Cheese & Tomato Sauce

Pasta Carbonara with Spinach Balls

Penne Pasta with Bacon and Peas

Butternut Squash Carbonara

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