Homemade Lemon Meringue Pie with cream

Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe

65 Minutes
Serves: 6
A buttery shortcrust pastry tart encasing a rich lemon filling topped with a crunchy sweet meringue

Recipe Ingreds


  • 60 grams butter
  • 120 grams plain flour
  • 30 grams caster sugar
  • salt (to taste)
  • 15 ml water
  • 1 whole egg
  • 200 ml single cream


  • 40 grams butter
  • 30 grams corn flour
  • 3 whole egg (yolk)
  • 3 whole lemon
  • 50 grams caster sugar
  • 275 ml water


  • 3 whole egg (white)
  • 220 grams caster sugar

Recipe with pictures Steps

Step 1

  • sieve together the flour and salt into a bowl
  • cut the butter into cubes
  • separate the yolk and white of the egg(s) into two small bowls
  • mix the water into the egg yolk
  • add the sugar to the egg yolk mix together

Step 2

  • mix together the flour and butter until the mixture forms a crumb by hand or using a food processor
  • if using a food processor empty the contents of the food processor into a large bowl
  • add the egg mixture to the crumb mix using a few swift movements

Step 3

  • form a ball and flatten
  • place pastry in a bag
  • place in the fridge to rest for 10 minutes

Step 4

  • remove the pastry from the fridge
  • lightly dust a clean work surface with flour
  • roll out the pastry into a circle to fit the flan dishes
  • fit pastry into flan dish
  • trim the pastry to fit the flan dish
  • prick the pastry cases
  • place in the fridge to rest for 10 minutes
  • set the oven to 200C 400F or gas mark 6

Step 5

  • remove the pastry from the fridge
  • bake the pastry blind by covering the pastry with grease proof paper and baking beans
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • remove from the oven

Step 6

  • set the oven to 190C 375F or gas mark 5
  • remove the beans and paper
  • paint the pastry base with egg white
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • till golden brown
  • remove from the oven
  • set a side

Step 7

  • set the oven to 150C 300F or gas mark 2

Step 8

  • place the cornflour in a bowl
  • add a small amount of water to create a paste

Step 9

  • zest the lemon(s)
  • squeeze the lemon(s) .
  • add the water, sugar and lemon zest to the pan
  • place the pan on the heat and stir till the sugar has melted
  • add the cornflour
  • beat till smooth

Step 10

  • heat through until the sauce thickens
  • Allow to cool a little

Step 11

  • cut the butter into cubes
  • separate the whites and yolks place the yolks in a small bowl and the egg whites into a large bowl
  • add the yolks one at a time to the pan beat inbetween additions
  • add the butter
  • beat till smooth
  • pour the mixture into the tart case
  • spread evenly

Step 12

  • whisk the egg whites till they form peaks
  • whisk in the sugar a 1/4 at a time until its fully incorporated
  • spoon the meringue on top of the lemon mixture
  • spread evenly
  • cook for 1 hour
  • switch the oven off and leave the meringue in the oven

Step 13

  • cut a slice and
  • serve with single pouring cream

Recipe Utensils

  • 1 baking beans
  • 1 chopping board
  • 1 flan dish
  • 1 food mixer
  • 1 food processor
  • 1 grater
  • 1 grease proof paper
  • 2 large knife
  • 1 lemon squeezer
  • 3 medium bowl
  • 1 medium pan
  • 1 pastry brush
  • 1 plastic bags
  • 1 rolling pin
  • 1 sieve
  • 2 small bowl

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About our homemade lemon meringue pie recipe

Lemon meringue pie has an interesting history as the lemon element of the pie is believed to be created in ancient Greece, but meringue is believed to have been created by a Swiss baker. Lemon meringue pie itself  was created by a Philadelphia pastry shop owner so is actually American. Our lemon meringue pie is very traditional and has a crisp shortcrust pastry, a delicious lemon curd filling and is topped with a crisp meringue.

What makes our lemon meringue pie the best

Lemon meringue pie is a traditional dessert and this is a traditional recipe, whats special about our recipe is that it has been handed down for three generations and is always a favourite pudding. 

Make lemon meringue pie for your dinner party dessert

This dessert is perfect for any dinner party as it can be made the day before, if you want to be true to its origins you can included it in an American themed dinner party, but it is popular in so many cultures that it can be added to most dinner party menus

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