Caribbean bakewell tart recipe

Caribbean Bakewell Tart Recipe

75 Minutes
Serves: 6

A  delicious Caribbean tart based in the traditional bakewell tart recipe, a crispy short crust tart with a lime marmalade base and an almond frangipane flavoured with lime and rum and topped with slivers of almonds. Our Caribbean dessert is served with a large dollop of crème fraiche

Recipe Ingreds


  • 50 grams butter
  • 100 grams plain flour
  • 30 grams caster sugar
  • 1 whole egg
  • salt (to taste)
  • 15 ml water


  • 10 grams flaked almonds
  • 100 grams butter
  • 2 whole egg
  • 75 grams ground almonds
  • 2 whole lime
  • 3 tbsp lime marmalade
  • 50 grams plain flour
  • 1 tbsp rum
  • 100 grams caster sugar
  • 10 grams icing sugar
  • 100 ml crème fraiche

Recipe with pictures Steps

Step 1

  • sieve together the flour and salt into a bowl
  • cut the butter into cubes
  • separate the yolk and white of the egg(s) into two small bowls

Step 2

  • mix the water into the egg yolk
  • add the sugar to the egg yolk
  • mix together, set a side
  • add the butter to the flour
  • blend until the contents forms a crumb, by hand or using a food processor

Step 3

  • if using a food processor empty the contents of the food processor into a large bowl
  • add the egg mixture
  • mix using a few swift movements
  • form a ball and flatten
  • place the pastry ball in a plastic bag
  • place in the fridge to cool

Step 4

  • lightly dust a clean work surface with flour
  • roll out the pastry into a circle to fit the flan dishes
  • fit pastry into flan dish
  • trim the pastry to fit the flan dish
  • prick the pastry cases
  • place in the fridge to cool
  • for 15 minutes
  • set the oven to 200C 400F or gas mark 6

Step 5

  • bake the pastry blind by covering the pastry with grease proof paper and baking beans
  • place in the oven
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • remove from the oven

Step 6

  • set the oven to 190C 375F or gas mark 5
  • remove the beans and paper
  • paint the pastry base with egg white
  • return to the oven
  • bake for 8 to 10 mins
  • till golden brown
  • remove from the oven
  • set a side

Step 7

  • zest the lime(s)
  • sieve the flour
  • beat the egg(s)

Step 8

  • cream together the butter and sugar in a bowl
  • add the eggs a bit at a time
  • fold in the ground almonds
  • fold in the flour
  • add the rum
  • add the zest

Step 9

  • spread the base of the flan with marmalade
  • add the almond egg mixture
  • sprinkle the flaked almonds on the top
  • cook for 30 mins
  • until golden brown
  • remove from the oven
  • Cool
  • Dust with icing sugar

Step 10

  • place the tart on the plate
  • with some creme fraiche

Recipe Utensils

  • 1 baking beans
  • 1 chopping board
  • 1 flan dish
  • 1 food mixer
  • 1 food processor
  • 1 grater
  • 1 grease proof paper
  • 1 large knife
  • 1 medium bowl
  • 1 medium bowl
  • 1 pastry brush
  • 1 plastic bags
  • 1 rolling pin
  • 1 sieve
  • 1 sieve
  • 3 small bowl

More recipes you might like: Desserts, Around the World


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How to make Caribbean Bakewell tart

This traditional pudding has been re invented to make a delicious Caribbean dessert, the jam for the base has been replaced with a lime marmalade, and the frangipane topping has been flavoured with rum and lime giving the dish a real Caribbean feel. To make this recipe blind baked a shortcrust pastry tart shell, line the base with a thick layer of lime marmalade. Make a frangipane by creaming together the butter and sugar adding the eggs, ground almonds and flour and finally the rum and lime zest for flavour. The frangipane is placed into the tart shell, and sprinkled with sliced almonds. The tart is baked till golden brown. We serve our Caribbean Bakewell with a large dollop of creme fraiche.

When to cook lime and rum Bakewell

This recipe is suitable all year round and is a delicious dish for a dinner party, you can also make individual tarts and include them in a cream tea platter

The perfect Caribbean dessert for your dinner party dessert

This Caribbean Bakewell makes the perfect dessert you can use it for a themed Caribbean dinner party menu or create individual Bakewell tarts for a themed tea party.  serve his dish with a large dollop of creme fraiche.

What to serve with this Caribbean dessert?

We serve this dish with crème fraiche but you could serve it with

  • A lime flavoured whipped cream
  • A rum flavoured ice cream
  • A vanilla ice cream 

Bakewell tart variations

It is easy to create different versions of a Bakewell tart by changing the jam on the base and adding different flavours to the frangipane choose fruits that go well with almonds such as

  • Raspberry jam base, decorate the frangipane top with white chocolate instead of almond slices
  • Plum jam base and add orange to the frangipane

What makes our Bakewell tart the best

The combination of lime and rum make an ideal combination to give the flavours of the Caribbean to this traditional dish. The star of the dish is the lime marmalade base.

What is a Bakewell tart?

Bakewell tart is a variation on Bakewell pudding and originates in England, from the specific area of Bakewell in Derbyshire. A Bakewell tart is a short crust pastry tart with a jam base a frangipane topping and then topped with almond slices. The cherry Bakewell is slightly different as instead of a sliced almond topping, it has a almond flavoured icing and is topped with a single glace cherry

Other dessert tart recipes

French lemon Tart

Apple and vanilla custard tart

Strawberry Mascarpone Tart with Chocolate Pastry

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